APA Citation Generator | MLA Format
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APA Citation Generator

Currently, there are many free APA citation generators available. Several Universities create them and provide them for free to use and some commercial companies create and sell them for a fee.

The ones provided by the Universities are very reliable and very easy to use so there is no need to purchase the commercial versions. This page lists the most reliable and free APA format generators and makers.

Tool Name:Description:
CitationBuilderThis very clean and easy to use citation builder by North Carolina State University.
Supports APA and MLA formats.
KnightCiteThis fantastic, free citation generator was created by Calvin College in MI.
Supports: MLA, APA and Chicago styles.
CitationMachineThis free online tool was created in 2000 and has served millions of students and teachers.
Supports: MLA, APA, Chicago and Turabian. Use the menu on the left to select your style (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian).
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  • greg September 14, 2023, 7:47 pm


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