Here is how to setup your research paper using the MLA Style. If your instructor has a specific requirement, be sure to obey his or her instructions.
Type: | How To: |
Paper | – Use white paper, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. If you lack this paper, you can use the closest available size. – Print on single side only. |
Margins | – 1 inch for all top, bottom, left, and right. (1 inch = 2.5cm) – For page numbers, set at 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) from the top upper-right hand corner, flushed to the right margin. |
Text Formatting | – Font: Times New Roman – Size: 12 points – Do not justify the text – Double-space the entire research paper – Leave one space after a period |
Heading | Begin at 1 inch from the top of the page, type: – Your name – Professor name – Course number – Due date All on separate lines then begin your research paper title on a new line and center it (see first page sample below). Do not: |
Page Numbers | – Place page number in all pages – Place page numbers 1/2 inch from the top-right margin – Type your last name before the page number: your last name followed by a space then page number. |
Tables and Illustrations | Place tables and illustrations as close as possible to the parts of the text to which they relate. A table is labeled Table, given an arabic numeral and titled. Photograph, map, drawing should be labeled Figure (usually abbreviated Fig.), assign an arabic numeral and give a caption. See samples below. |
Sample Of The First Page:
Here is a sample of the first page. If your instructor requires you to make a cover page, please follow instructions here.

MLA First Page
Table Sample:

Table Sample
Figure Sample:

Figure Sample
– MLA Handbook, 8th Edition
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Thanks for clear concise instructions.
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