Here is a sample paper in MLA format that has both the cover page and the outline pages. This paper has 10 pages so if you are under a slow Internet connection, please wait a few seconds for all of the pages to load. This paper is current with the latest MLA manual.

MLA Format Sample Paper, Title Page

MLA Format Sample Paper, Outline Page 1

MLA Format Sample Paper, Outline Page 2

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 1

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 2

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 3

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 4

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 5

MLA Format Sample Paper, Works Cited

MLA Format Sample Paper, End of Sample Paper.
– Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006).
yay this helped alot i could never had made it through my essay
yay this helped alot
Very cool, Kanye.
Thank you Kanye, very cool
This was extremely helpful. I’m currently writing a book report for my Caribbean Civilization course. Thanks
I very much enjoyed this. This will help me with my researrch pap er
Jacob <3
help so much appreciate
I think that this was very helpful in many ways. It is was able to give me some insight on many different issues.
Thank you so much this soo helpful
Thank you
I will recommend this website to anyone who needs help because it really does take you step-by-step. Thanks!
I was hoping to find where I can set the MLA outline under “Styles” in MS Word, but thank you.
nice mla paper really like the info
this is a amazing website
Usefull for my reports. Its also useful for future references
Hello. My final project is a 5-10 page research paper, to be done in MLA style. The instructions merely say it requires a cover page and a Works Cited page; nothing about outline pages. Are outline pages so standard that I should just assume they’re expected and include them, or can I omit them unless they’re specifically mentioned?
This example is awesome in format and content. Who would have thought to take this approach on such a controversial topic.
This was extremely helpful!
Very helpful
Thank You the example has been very helpful. I start classes online thursday and I have a sample paper due this weekend for my orientation credit. I have never used this style. I haven’t written a paper in over 25 yrs. I was given written instructions but to see some type of visual is awesome. Thank you again!
Thanks, it helps a lot. I was wondering where goes your name on the paper, because I just started to take classes by internet so I don’t really have a teacher to teach me how do this kind of papers and you did it, God bless you!
This information was very helpful, thank you! I utilized the cover format with the university name at the top as it looks much more professional than the second. I like to have as much information on the cover page as is allowed. 🙂
Thanks! This was really helpful for my final paper in one of my classes. I really appreciate it 🙂
Thank you for the easy to read and understand example.
Thanks, this outline and example gave me exactly what i needed to master my essay.
Very helpful
Got stuck with teachers guide lines
Erik li
Very helpful…
This was very helpful in the preperation of writing my paper for english and business classes. Thanks
I was trying to format my cover page in MLA. On the page about the cover page it says to have the university name at the top, the title 1/3 down, and the name, course/teacher/date information at the bottom. In the sample, there is no university name at the top, the title is 1/3 down, the name is in the middle of the page, and the course/teacher/date information at the bottom. The discrepancies are confusing and I suggest correcting this. Otherwise the site was very helpful.
Thanks, Angie! If your teacher doesn’t provide any instructions, you can use any of those two samples. Please do confirm with your teacher to make sure. Take care!
Thanks for the mla sample paper.