One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.
Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn’t look safe; he looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was those chills which only fear can put in you. He said, “I’m here to help you, ma’am. Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.”
Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.
As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn’t thank him enough for coming to her aid.
Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.
He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, “And think of me.”
He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.
A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn’t erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan.
After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin.
There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: “You don’t owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do, do not let this chain of love end with you.” Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.
Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard… She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, “Everything’s going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson.”
There is an old saying “What goes around comes around.”
Author: Unknown
I could have wrote a better story

So inspirational!
So sweet I loved that is inspiational
I love tis 1 actually
Surch is life. Love the story
Amazing story..
Wow!!! most touching story!!
Yes it is a very heart touching story
WOW! What comes around goes around.
This story gives me life #i love it#
This is from a country song they just changed the names ? Good moral to the story though
One of the best stories I have read in my whole life ?
This story made me cry because i know how it feels to need help and give what you can when you don’t even have enough for yourself.
Very inspirational
Amazing job guys! Truly you’re serving humanity with out expecting in return
How wonderful this is really serving with out expecting but God sees and he really honor the good heart..thanks guys for for really serving with out us with expecting in return…
This is a wonderful site to spend hours… I’m enjoying every bit of it.. kipitup
Best story
After all, Life isn’t a fairground but a school ? Everyone learns something new every day. ?
Very beautiful story ?
Really Touching! Made me realise the chain of love. I will also follow the same in my life hereafter! Thank you for such a wonderful story!!
A nice message with inspirational style. great story
Throw a ball against the wall and it will surely bounce back at u.
Yes it’s true
Help others hurt never
Awesome – Life is all about loving your neighbor as you love yourself…
Waoooow what an awesome site you got here. The stories are really very interesting I think I love it
Its really an awesome story
I was surprised sooo much when I finished reading this great and inspiring story!!! Wooow!!! It is also well-written. I believe that we receive what we give. Woow! That is such a great story!!!
Also this website is very motivational, congratulations for all the work and for all the great blogs!!!
Thank you the unknow Author!
We need more acts of kindness in this sad world.
It is real life happening scenario.
It happened to me, So I did it to others also without asking any returns, I did it first in my family then extended it to others.
Wish I could help more others….
God is so amazing to pour his countless blessings.
Keep it up people….
Loves McFe
What a story…
This kind of social service with pure heart is really sign of humanity
I’m feeling very inspired,
Thank you for this mind blowing story..
Thanks for the stories. Whatever happens in life should end up in testimony. God bless.
Powerful and inspiring stories, we really gain something.
Thank you very much for all the stories you have compiled on this website. Your stories are blessings to me and to the people who listened to my “Food for thought” program which focus on empowering people in the community who are regularly coming to the Adventist Community Services-Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. Every Wednesday noon was a free lunch for the community and an average of 45 people are regularly coming to eat. At 11:45a.m. I have a 15 minutes- “Food for Thought” program in which I am sharing the story I picked from your website and people’s eyes sparkled as they were empowered by the story I shared. Several of them came up to me with their feedback that they are so inspired by the stories . And at 12 noon they have a wonderful fellowship and enjoying their lunch together.
Thank you very much. God bless your mission.
Neil Tagarao
Spiritual Coordinator, Adventist Community Services- Winnipeg, Manitoba
God is so good all the time.
My Two year young daughter taught me unconditional love & fogviness. Something I struggled to practise all my life. Life is beautiful, if you are ready to learn there are many to guide you in life. Be open and enjoy life to its full.
This is my second comment. I keep reading this story every once in six months and never bored to read it repeatedly. I already shared this with my son and wife. I wish all children in the world should read this and be benefitted.
I do not usually comment on pages, nor involve in internet discussions. But this is different. You have a truly wonderful page, and I want to commend you for your effort in sharing these stories. Thank you.
Very intriguing.
Am deeply motivated by the wise saying and the inspirational stories this site has…keep up the good work