This story is a little long but well worth the time to read. It perfectly illustrates not only the amazing power of Love, but also the truly inspiring power of Touch.
When doctors told Carolyn Isbister that her tiny premature daughter would die within 20 minutes, she had to prepare herself for the worst.
Tiny Rachael had just been born minutes before, weighing just 1.4lb (0.64kg), and her heart was only beating once every ten seconds. But Miss Isbister was determined to have just one cuddle with her daughter and to savor the one precious moment she had, so she picked up tiny Rachael and cuddled her close.
And it was a cuddle that has amazed doctors by saving the baby’s life. The warmth of her mother’s skin actually kickstarted Rachael’s heart into beating properly, which allowed her to take tiny breaths of her own.
Four months later – the baby who was so tiny that the doctors gave up on her life – has been allowed home, thanks to that precious life saving cuddle from her mother.
Miss Isbister, 36, from West Lothian, said: “Rachael has been such a little fighter – it is a miracle that she is here at all. When she was born the doctors told us that she would die within 20 minutes because her heart wasn’t beating properly and she wasn’t breathing. But that one precious cuddle saved her life. I’ll never forget it.”
Miss Isbister, a chemist, and her partner David Elliott, 35, an electronic engineer, were thrilled when she fell pregnant. At the 20 week scan at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, doctors told them that she was carrying a girl and they decided to name her Rachael. But at 24 weeks, Miss Isbister went into premature labour after she developed an infection in her womb.
Miss Isbister, who also has two children Samuel, 10, and Kirsten, 8, from a previous marriage, said: “We were just terrified we were going to lose her. I had been bleeding throughout the pregnancy, and had suffered three miscarriages before falling pregnant with Rachael, so we really didn’t think there was much hope.”
When Rachael was born, weighing 1.4lb, doctors told the couple that their daughter would only live for 20 minutes. She wasn’t breathing and she was grey and lifeless. Her heart was only beating once every 10 seconds.
Miss Isbister said: “The doctor just took one look at her and said no. They didn’t even try to help her with her breathing as they said it would just prolong her dying. Everyone just gave up on her.”
The doctors told the couple to say their goodbyes to their daughter, but Miss Isbister decided that she would give her daughter the only cuddle she would ever have. So she lifted her out of her hospital blanket and placed her on her chest, with skin to skin contact.
She said: “I didn’t want her die being cold. So I lifted her out of her blanket and put against my skin to warm her up. Her feet were so cold. It was the only cuddle I was going to have with her, so I wanted to remember the moment.”
But after 20 minutes tiny Rachael was still alive. Then a miracle happened. She started taking tiny breaths on her own, and her heart started beating more regularly.
Miss Isbister said: “We couldn’t believe it – and neither could the doctors. She let out a tiny cry. When she was still breathing after four hours and her heart was beating more regularly, the doctors came in and said there was still no hope for her, but I still wasn’t letting go of her. We had her blessed by the hospital chaplain, and waited for her to slip away. But she still hung on. And then amazingly the pink color began to return to her cheeks. She literally was turning from grey to pink before our eyes, and she began to warm up too.”
After 48 hours, the doctors decided to put her on a ventilator to help with her breathing and she was transferred to the intensive care unit.
Miss Isbister said: “The doctors said that she had proved she was a fighter and that she now deserved some intensive care as there was some hope. She had done it all on her own – without any medical intervention or drugs. She had clung onto life – and it was all because of that cuddle. It had warmed up her body enough for her to start fighting.”
Because Rachel hadn’t had any oxygen for four hours, doctors warned the couple that there was a high risk she had been brain damaged. But a scan showed no evidence of any damage at all.
As the days passed, Rachael slowly began to gain in strength and put on weight. She had laser treatment on her eyes to save her sight as the blood vessels hadn’t had chance to develop properly in the womb. And she also had six blood transfusions.
Miss Isbister added: “We couldn’t believe that she was doing so well. Her heart rate and breathing would suddenly sometimes drop without warning, but she just got stronger and stronger.”
After five weeks she was taken off the ventilator and Miss Isbister was able to hold and breastfeed her. Then after four months in hospital, they were finally allowed to take her home – a day which they never thought they would see.
At six months old, she now weighs 8lb (3.63kg) – the same as a newborn baby – and she has a healthy appetite.
Miss Isbister said: “She is doing so well. When we finally brought her home, the doctors told us that she was a remarkable little girl. And most of all, she just loves her cuddles. She will sleep for hours, just curled into my chest. It was that first cuddle which saved her life – and I’m just so glad I trusted my instinct and picked her up when I did. Otherwise she wouldn’t be here today.”

Moral Stories always makes my day and am always grateful to read them. Thank you for being there
Just by passing time in a fruitful way I could go through the motivational stories and this one really unbelievable but off course it was a miracle by a mother’s determination of saving the life of her daughter who was a guest of 20 minuts !,& succeeded. My heartiest wishes to that baby Rachael.
Really lovely. Mothers are angels, they love us than anyone else.
Thanks for this inspiring and wonderful story. God bless you and your daughter. 🙂 this amazing story with my child….it jus makes me believe in the power of love..
God bless you…..very inspiring story to share.
Now I strongly do believe that proverb, “God can not be at your side all the times, that’s why He created mother.” Cheers to motherhood and, the mother’s love.
The mother of love can save her children from danger. We should praise our mom and dad.
Mothers’ love doesn’t exit forever. Nobody can heed her love in the world. Without excepting anything from us & even without seeing nobody can show this much affection or love, except mom. Good story. Thanks 4 it.
Inspiring story. I wish many more women would have the opportunity to read this story and know the power that God has given to women who trust in Him. Mother is Gold.
God is always there when things go wrong. He’s always there when hope is gone. Keep trusting the Lord mama. All the best to Rachel.
The story is really good, but I think, certain things like: the baby’s weight, her heart beat, her mother’s cuddle, the doctor hopelessness and so on… such things are repeated very often. Honestly speaking, a mother’s love can surely bring out changes…
So much heart touching love.
Really interesting. I shared it to many friends.
That’s great ! It is a wonderful inspiring story, I really love it.
@Farhath…Mother is synonymous of GOD…no one before or after.
It’s really an amazing story!!!
This is such a touching story….every mother should read this.
Indeed it’s true… my second daughter was diagnosed with hole in her heart. When she was born, she was taken to the incubator with lots of wires and breathing tubes inserted on her… Doctor said that her heartbeat was very slow…the first time when I saw her and touched her, she gave a good response.. while touching her I spoke to her said that “mommy wants you to come back home with mommy… mommy will wait for you.” To my surprise the next day doctor called me and said that my baby has given a great response… After a week she was discharged and came back home with me… Now my girl is already a beautiful 10 yrs old angel who is quite naughty and cheerful person… 🙂
I almost cried when I read this story, it’s much heart touching and just have a precious moral thus mother’s love is the greatest with God’s grace. It’s really a good lesson, think have to go do it to my little cousin who is just somehow….. can’t explain tears all over.
Very nice
Dear Isbister, God can not stay every where, every time, with everyone that is why he had created a mother & you have proved it. May God bless Rachel forever.
Really fantastic; it is a truth mother’s love is true in all world.
Yes it’s true, always the love of mother is powerful. First is mother, then everyone including GOD.
Dear Carolyn,
God bless you, your Rachel and family.
Rachel is real fighter.
Mother’s love is the BEST. GREATEST asset of our life. Always saves us. Thank you for sharing this story.
God bless you.. although I cannot explain my emotions in words.. but really may everyone have strength like you..
Really very touching story, and at the same time it affected me badly, we lost our bro 1 year ago because of electric current, we got information very late about it, when we went to him he was already in hospital…. my mom cried a lot and asked to let her to touch him and see him but nobody allowed, I think now if she could cuddle him may beee may beeee……….very very hard even to write…
Power of motherly love… God bless.
Wow such an amazing story!
Dear Miss Isbister…
I have three beautiful sweet daughters, but the second was born in premature. Her weigh was just 1.8 kilograms but with God’s grace and my warmest cuddle, my daughter is now 4 years old. I refused when the doctors said to put her in an incubator and oxygenly breathed and my whole families decided to take care of her with our love..and me and my families were so depressed and terribly sad when the doctors said that she couldn’t live any longer cause my daughter had a heart problem but now..thanks to God..she is jut fine, and there is no problem all with her heart…
Indeed, truly the power of mother’s love… I love it so much.
Motherhood… all love and care begins and ends there… Glory be to God and thanks to Rachael mom…