One day, Buddha was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers.
While they were traveling, they happened to pass by a lake. They stopped to rest there and Buddha asked one of his disciples to get him some water from the lake.
A disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed some people were washing clothes in the water and, right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake.
As a result, the water became very muddy. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink!”
So he came back and told Buddha, ”The water in the lake is very muddy. I don’t think it is suitable to drink.”
After a while, Buddha again asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water.
The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the mud had settled down and the water was clean so he collected some in a pot and brought it to Buddha.
Buddha looked at the water then looked up at the disciple and said, “See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be and the mud settled down on its own. It is also the same with your mind. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time and it will settle down on its own.”
Author Unknown
Really this happens when our monkey mind start to move here and there.
Osm it’s nice to see
The story was very nice to read.
Thank you.:-D
I like your website..

I study English. With short stories, learning is really enjoyable.
Simple truth with substantial effect.
That’s true.
Thank you Arifa!
I feel my mind much relaxed ..when I get tensed I come to this blog thanks for sharing such stories you don’t know how it feels reading them I always read them with tears.
I was really motivated when I read this moral story.
Amazing! Best way of controlling our mind!!
This made me feel really great….
such a wonderful story… really applicable and true… but one thing we have to do is practice this always in our life if we did means surely, always we have peace in our mind… once again thanks for share this story….
Amazing story !!! On reading this I started my day joyfully.
Very great message. Lust, anger, ego, greed and attachment – these 5 vices disturb the calm waters of our self. The key is to rise above these vices by developing virtues – purity, forgiveness, humility, generosity and detachment. For this we have to be vigilant of each of our thoughts, words and deeds, constantly.
This’s awesome !!
It’s excellent… I do agreeeee
True. Agitated mind can’t do anything right, leave alone solving problems and if you do something to improve the situation, with agitated mind, it worsens the situation. This parable is really worth circulating to as many as possible. Thanks to the original sender.
What a wonderful inspiring story , Thank you.
Really nyc story.
Really, Amazing … so true!!!!
Awesome stories…
A beautiful story to start a day with….. this is the true face when we are emotional most probably the decision we make will be one sided once we allow our emotions to settle down our decision will be a better one.
This is applicable, especially, in this hectic life. Patience is important aspect of the life.
Yes very true and I love the simplicity of the way to calm down mind.
We get into a slumber. Such stories help you in Awakening.
very inspiring.
Very true… when you are disturbed, you tend to take decisions which are totally illogical. It is always good to wait for the mind to settle down before acting..
I wish from this day on I will learn such a beautiful lesson that I just learned from this site. Like other beautiful moral and inspiration stories. I do worry a lot and my mind hardly rest so thank you so much. I always pray for peace of mind.
This is the fact and it works. Unfortunatley, very few people know this secret mind power. This story therefore, be shared with as many people as possible.
So true, such a great example, thanks to the author.
I never thought like this idea, but I have experienced it when I had a problem I did nothing but think and think it again but the problem didn’t solve. But when I forgot about it, it seemed that the problem was gone on its own. Now I learned what I’m going to do with my problems I will follow the right thing. Thank you Mr. Author. You are truly amazing, your work is absolutely helpful for us.
Thank you.
True, true, true. That is wisdom I have tried it many times, works like a charm. Thank you for posting this wonderful, peaceful piece. We sure need it the most in our time or right now thanks again.
When you are awakened mind calms down automatically. That is what Amma Bhagavan are doing to humanity across globe.
What a fantastic start to a Sunday! Thank you!
And if it doesn’t settle….read other inspiring stories…it will certainly settle down.
That’s really very true this is what happening with me right now.