After the Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person was worshiping; her body was leaning forward and her two hands were supporting an object. The collapsed house had crashed her back and her head.
With many difficulties, the leader of the rescuer team put his hand through a narrow gap on the wall to reach the woman’s body. He was hoping that this woman could still be alive. However, the cold and stiff body told him that she had passed away. He and the rest of the team left this house and went to search the next collapsed building.
For some reasons, the team leader was driven by a compelling force to go back to the ruin house of the dead woman. Again, he knelt down and used his hand through the narrow cracks to search the little space under the dead body.
Suddenly, he screamed, “A child! There is a child!”
The whole team worked together, carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3 months old little boy wrapped in a flowery blanket under his mother’s dead body. Obviously, the woman had made an ultimate sacrifice to save her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son.
The medical doctor came quickly to exam the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cell phone inside. There was a text message on the screen, it said: ”Dear baby, if you can live, always remember that I love you.”
This story was claimed to be a true story. Whether it is true or not, we can’t be wrong with mothers’ love and their sacrifices. We love you mothers!!!
This story was submitted by Pawan Kumar.
Pawan is our long time visitor, supporter and friend. Pawan also submitted another story back in 2009: One bedroom flat.
This story is complete trash
Very good story
I love my mother so much.. I’m so blessed to have a loving mother like you .. touching story..
Nobody can see God, but everyone has “MOTHER”.
I love my mom so much…
Oh how sweet!!!…I bawled my eyes out after reading this anecdote….
It’s such a heart touching story.
My sweet mother, I love you forever. You’re my life.
Soo touching!!! I am speechless, just wanted to say that keep up the good work man!
I’m touched by this beautiful story. GOD BLESS U.
That is mothers love . Any one cannot fill the place of mother
Sweet mom, I love you so much.
Mothers are so loving and we, the children are blessed to have them !!
After reading this story my eyes were filled with tears.
My mom passed away 7 months ago… this reminds me of my very loving mother, her love was tangible and eternal… forever she’s in my heart.
I love you mom. Mother is the meaning for the word sacrifice.
Heart touching true story…
No words to express my love to u MOM…..
Without you, I can never see the light of this world… I love and will ever love you mum (feel like crying).
I love u sooo oooo mch my mom
Really very useful and reliable. Got new inspiration for life. Good support for my carrier.
Your love is so real Mom, this is one of the prove that men can believe! Love you Mom.
Really touching story, it moved me to tears. I too have a three months old son & i am ready to do anything for him. May God bless that great mother’s soul.
Nice one
Mom I love u so much.
Mom’s are great…
Mom’s are wonderful…
Mom’s always understand…
But MOST of all….
So thrilling! How great is a mother’s love
Mother is your true lover
Lord thank you for all moms
around the world
who let us see the beauty of the world
YOU created
so much Bless having a loving and best mom
This event tells us that what extend we can be really human. This is the role of everyone as along as we live. That’s why Jesus said there is no greater love than to lay down ones own life for the other. spend time to shed tears for hating our parents.
I love u mommy….
It is really a heart touching story… I love u mom
What manner of love is this? This is to show the world that a mother can go any length just to save her children…. I love you mom.
It seems this is the true story in the earthquake in WenChuan, China on 12 May 2008. The story moved many people to tears.
Our mothers love us unconditionally…
What manner of love is this?
This story tells the great sacrifice of a mother to save her son… in the world, mother’s love is eternal… nothing can fulfil mother’s love in the entire universe. That’s why the mother stood first in the priority rather than father, teacher and god. ….. This may be real or creative story, but it preaches a very good lesson to the public that the mother never hesitates to sacrifice her life for the sake of her children…. that is mother’s love!…………………………..
Dr. Sudhakar Naidu, Tripoli
The story really shows one among many great sacrifices that our parents provides, while others obligate the responsibility of providing love!
It’s really touchy.
This is a story from the earthquake in Japan this spring. The boy was very blessed to have such a loving mother
Some people don’t think and don’t wait ……. but some people have patience to think before they do the right thing. This is such an inspiring and tearful story. But all that i’m trying to say is that.. “I LOVE YOU MOM”
I felt like crying!!!!!! :-[
Such a nice story!!!!!!!
Me too love you mom