A smile costs nothing, but gives much.
It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give.
It takes a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor, but that he can be made rich by it.
A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship.
It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature’s best antidote for trouble.
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone, until it is given away.
Some people are too tired to give you a smile;
Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.
Absolutely. I have one of my favorites on smile too-
Smile awhile,
When you smile,
Another smiles,
And soon there are miles and miles of smiles,
And life is worth living,
If you smile.
Simple yet very touching
Smile comes from beautiful heart
I learnt so much from this storie. Really intresting storie
I read this to my Pre-AP English class and I believe it made them think. I caused my teacher to rant about the little actions that can make or break someone. She took about, ten minutes to respond to this, and it made my week to see how I could be an influence in my class…
keep smiling !
Smile! Because you can.
This is true we should try to be happy and make others happy with our beautiful SMILE ….. ALWAYS STAY HAPPPY.
Really it is good.
Very nice
I love this …I love this mernn.. I love this….:) I am blessed!!
Nice story, I like it.
We can’t force to smile anyone. It is the nature. Smile gives the energy. Smile is the important to cheer a person. Always love the nature and smile it…
Smile is the best medicin …always smile guys:)
Stories, musics and sincere tactics are a motivation in it-selves.
Very nice!!!:-)
So emotional and realistic nice one.
Smile, a seond best thing your lips can do….
everything mentioned above is very true…. so keep smiling friends…:)
Smile is God gift to us..so always keep smiling….!
Always keep smiling. It is very important in our life.
I smile to the one who wrote this selection ….
Always keep smiling. It is very important in our life. Your smile gives you a lot of things. Great!!!
Yes, a smile will give each one value of face so we should give a smile to everyone in our society.
Super nice! From now on, I will give my smile to everyone.
It is true, I love to smile and smile is very important in life.
my super power is my SMILE ! =)
It is a nice story, illustrating a simple thing that we have failed to demonstrate which when done bringing satisfaction and joy and a feeling of acceptance to a family member, a friend and a stranger as well. It is my prayer that we all try to practice giving a smile.
beautiful teaching. keep it up
Yes it is! Superlike 4 ur story. ***** Smile please *****
I read this to my Pre-AP English class and I believe it made them think. I caused my teacher to rant about the little actions that can make or break someone. She took about, ten minutes to respond to this, and it made my week to see how I could be an influence in my class…
I love it. It’s beautiful.
Really Heart Touching!!
It is a very heart touching story, I felt very much.
Nice story very motivating
Nice one
Very nice…
very nice…….so always spread smile
that’s the real smile………!
wonderful feelings are always left behind just because of a true smile…..i love to smile and believe that’s a psycological appetite….lovely composition.
That’s really awesome!! Love it.
its very effective and interesting
Smile can only make smile…. so it’s very necessary to spread smile……
It is such like as magic…..
Its true..a smile can do anything..:)
Its true that a smile at right place and right time can do miracle.
Very Very nice and really heart touching Story.
It is very touching and inspiring…I quoted it to post in my account…thanks for revealing the essence of SMILE…God bless…
Really very nice and it’s very important in life.
Very heart touching.
Nice poem and really heart touching I composed this to my dearly love Sana.