Kelly Brown:
As with any other assignments don't leave research papers until the last
minute. When your professor gives out the assignment make sure you understand
exactly what he/she says and ask questions if necessary. Then make a schedule
and plan what you'll do each day. Leave some "wiggle room" in case something
doesn't work out.First RESEARCH. Use different sources. Then WRITE AN OUTLINE.
Afterwards WRITE YOUR ROUGH DRAFT. Skip lines so you can easily correct anything.
It is good to give this rough draft to the professor. Then you're ready to
WRITE YOUR FINAL COPY. Make sure it's clean.
Don't put off writing your papers. I learned this the hard way. Problems
can arise at the last minute. For instance, your computer might break down.
When I get a writing assignment I make copies of the articles that pertain
to the topic of my paper, I highlight important information, and write notes
in the margins of the articles. Then I compile all the information and begin
my outline.
I am the Queen of Procrastination, so I thought the best idea would be to
take advantage of the services offered at the Writing Center. As soon as
I get a topic, I go to the Writing Center and start brainstorming with an
adviser there. After that, I go back with a rough draft.
The Writing Center is like a workshop where you take your injured papers
and get them fixed. The people at the Writing Center are very nice and friendly.
It's helpful to work with just one person; don't take the same paper to three
different people for a critique.
It's a good idea to turn in a rough draft to your professor for comments.
Write, rewrite, edit, rewrite, edit ... final copy.
After you've finished researching a paper, make an outline and confer with
your professor. Next, write the rough draft, give the draft to your professor,
correct the rough draft, and finally write the final copy. © 1999- — Privacy • Back to top ↑