“Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by those doing it.”
When asked what they saw as the greatest time wasters, other people came up with the following:
- Watching television
- Idle waiting time (in queues, at home, etc.)
- Unnecessarily long telephone calls
- Travelling time
- Meetings (clubs, etc.)
- Unexpected visitors
- Inability to say “no”
So how can time be saved and put to better use?
- The first task is to find out where, when and why time is being wasted. Is there a common factor?
- Secondly, try out time-saving ideas such as:
- Selective viewing or listening
- Carrying key-fact note cards for revision in idle moments
- Limiting time spent on the telephone or with visitors
- Saying “NO” and meaning it!
How and what YOU do is up to YOU
No-one else will do it for you

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Very helpful information may God bless you thank you very much.
I try to study but nothing seems to get in what should I actually do?
The time you are enjoying is not wasting, listening to music is but for limited time.
Do not wait until the last moment, just study at least 1 hour a day it helps u a lot try it out once.
I waste my time on social media and listening to music and my problem is I’m ALWAYS tired which makes me do my HWK last minute aka in a procrastinator I don’t know how to stop this it’s becoming a Horrible thing
You should get aleast 7 or 8 hours of sleep.
I waste my time sleeping. How long should a student sleep?