Hi Friends! Warm Welcome! It is so wonderful to have you here.
I created this blog in 2008 wishing to help motivating my fellow friends in one of those down moments in school, in life, in sickness… through beautiful stories.
Take a moment to browse around!! Wish you all the very best!!!
Beginning today I will no longer worry about yesterday. It is in the past and the past will never change. Only I can change by choosing to do so.
Beginning today I will no longer worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most of it. But I cannot make the most of tomorrow without first making the most of today.
Beginning today I will look in the mirror and I will see a person worthy of my respect and admiration. This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time with and someone I would like to get to know better.
Beginning today I will cherish each moment of my life. I value this gift bestowed upon me in this world and I will unselfishly share this gift with others. I will use this gift to enhance the lives of others.
Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to revel in the mysteries I encounter. I will face challenges with courage and determination. I will overcome what barriers there may be which hinder my quest for growth and self-improvement.
Beginning today I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time. Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image, my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.
Beginning today I walk with renewed faith in human kindness. Regardless of what has gone before, I believe there is hope for a brighter and better future.
Beginning today I will open my mind and my heart. I will welcome new experiences. I will meet new people. I will not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else: perfection does not exist in an imperfect world. But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.
Beginning today I am responsible for my own happiness and I will do things that make me happy . . . admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favorite music, pet a kitten or a puppy, soak in a bubble bath . . . pleasure can be found in the most simple of gestures.
Beginning today I will learn something new; I will try something different; I will savor all the various flavors life has to offer. I will change what I can and the rest I will let go. I will strive to become the best me I can possibly be.
This site is what I was looking for β¦ Thanks π
You have amazing stories. I enjoyed them. May I use them in my motivational book I am writing
Hi AG, yes!
Hi Steve,
I want you to know that I really enjoy reading your stories. In that regard, I’d like to translate your stories into my native language and put them on Wattpad. Of course I will also put the source of the stories as I think more people should also know about you. Would you let me do so? I really hope you would. Thanks in advance and thank you for the beautiful stories.
Hi Firdaus,
Please feel free to. Take care!
Thank you very much for the permission and quick response. Can’t wait to read your next great stories.
Oh yeah, I forgot to let you know earlier that I might also make a few changes in the stories to suit my local customs and jokes better. Once again, thanks a million.
What a truly amazing website Stephen! Each story is a gem in itself. Hope you find time to add more stories here!!
Stuttering Baby
My world is small and beautiful, in our own way we light up our environment as we light up our little abode. One day my wife brought to my attention that our youngest Godchild (baby girl of 2 years 8 months) has started syuttering! I took note of it and followed her speech closely for the entire week. I was slowly getting disappointed, upset and restless as her stuttering increased every passing day. The following 10 days I spent in hopes, prayers and restless days and sleepless night with hopes, tears and self-anger. My wife noticed the changes in my emotions and behaviour, she brought up the topic and we had a healthy discussion, at the end of it she just told me one single line “Derrick, You are the only one who can treat her than any other Doctor or Therapists”
I began to think as that last sentence pierced deep in me. I picked up my pen, paper and closed myself in my study corner, I began to write down all that I can do for my Baby Godchild so that she resumes her normal speech.
The very next day I gathered all that I had to, to begin her treatment (no medication here). The following day instructions were given to all the family members as every member would be equally responsible in her treatment. 2 weeks passed as we all did everything in our capacity to help my Baby Godchild and God did answer our prayers, she began to respond to the treatment and now she improved over 80%
Well this improvement of my Baby Godchild opened my heart to all the kids going through this trauma of stuttering & stammering. I promised myself to help all the kids from age 2 years to 14 years old who suffer from stuttering and stammering.
In the name of St. Anthony & Baby Jesus, I extend my therapy free of cost every Tuesday (day of St. Anthony) for these kids no mater where they come from.
The incident made me more open to giving and sharing my experience as a practitioner. Today I happily serve every Tuesday and love to see the beautiful smile in the eyes of the hopeful parents as their kids improve their speech.
Stephen, God Bless you for having this wonderful platform for sharing our experiences selflessly.
Derrick Angelsz
Hey Stephen! Great site very inspirational, you are helping to encourage a lot of people!
Hi Stephen ..
I have been using your blog stories for the past four years to motivate my students. Each class I used to start with a story so my students forgot everything in their day today problems enjoy my class. I am thankful for creating such a wonderful blog. Today people are stressed out they don’t have place to share worries and people to motivate.
Hi Elsa! Thank you!
Some really inspiring stories here.
Hi Steve,
I’ve been reading your blog since I joined college and now I’m working I’m still reading. I’m grateful for your encouraging stories. I’ve connected all my colleagues to your Web so that they can also feel the inspiration. Thank you Steve for your kind thoughts.
I love most of the stories I have read. I love telling stories and these are some of the best around do I have your permission to tell any of these stories on you tube or just around locally. I live in Adelaide, South Australia
I love your stories. I tell these stories to my grandchildren. It is very hard for me to read on the blue background. How I can remove the blue background to read easily. I am not computer savvy, I don’t how to. Please tell me how to make to black and white.
Hi Stephen, I really appreciate the time and efforts you put to build up this blog. It is very inspiring to read and very helpful in day to day life.
Wish you all the best in life.
Hey its a great place to explore…. “big things come in small packages” And you have proved this saying by sharing numerous meaningful messages across. Hats off dear!!! Looking forward for many new stories to come…
Wonderful full of inspirational stories and materials, great site.
Stephen Thank God i am back reading these incredible stories i just finish reading the tale of two pebbles do you know if Edward de Dono is maltese ? If that person i heard about he is one of the smartest man i think he is a professor. I am maltese also do you know where malta is? Stephen you are a very close and good friend to all of us God Bless.
Good Job… keep it up
You are like me.. nice to meet you π
Thank you for your warm comment, Anjali!
Stephen what an incredible collection of stories here. My son would not sleep until he gets his dose of bedtime stories. And this is a website I visit. He loves to hear them. Thank you for this wonderful resource. God bless!!!
Thank you Donnita! I don’t mind π Best wishes.
Hi Stephen,
Love this blog!
I am trying to teach my high school students spoof texts.
Do you mind if I used some of your articles for teaching English? If you mind, please do tell me. π
Thank you Julie. Yes, please feel free to share the stories. Take care!!!
Thanks Stephen for a great blog! I’m hoping you won’t mind if I share some of the stories on my facebook page. You’ve said to others that you don’t mind so I will assume its ok unless you tell me different.
Take care!!
Wow, what a blog… thanks I wish I had found it back that but it is never to late to be inspired.
Hi Stephen, I really enjoy the stories you shared here and I want to share them too to my friends and people from Indonesia!
Sincerely with love,
Such beautiful stories, inspiring ones, touching ones and motivational ones. Put a feeling of warmth in my heart , that there’s something wonderful happening out there everyday.
I will come back to the site often to pluck a story or two whenever I need to share with people, be it my special needs family support group, my parents support group or circle of friends.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to post them. You have done your part to make this world a better place.
Hi Steve. Thank you so much for your kindness and encourage us to face life with dignity and self respect. Your stories are beautiful to read and you became a good friend to us. Nice to have a human being like you God sure blessed us with this site and you.
Hi Rita! Thank you so much for your warm compliment. Take care!
Your site is really nice. Thanks for helping me with your quotes!
Mr Stephen
Just to inform you would like to share your links / articles to friends Etc
Hi Roy! Thank you!!!
I LOVE everything in here, you help me a lot especially when it comes to my thinking. Every story helps me Enlightened with different lessons in life. I also love to read lots of very good comments, No negative thing. Again so fortunate to find this wonderful site. God bless us all!
Absolutely love your blog. Hopefully I could direct some more people to your site, because reading these stories has really helped put me in a positive mood and I believe they should be shared with the world.
Sincerest Thanks
It is a very good site. It is such a nice site that I would like to spend the whole day with it.
You’re really a wonderful writer, I could get much more lessons from you.
I just copied many stories from this blog. Thank’s.
I love your blog. It’s simply amazing. I need little doses of wisdom every now and then.
Thank You for taking the trouble of putting up the blog. Thorougly enjoyed and in turn was inspired by all the stories.
Thank you once again.
I am inspired reading these touching stories. Love you for your time and effort to put these life changing stories. May God bless u and use you to touch many hurting lives. I would like to put these stories in a book for so that here in India people who don’t have inernet access too can read and find answers for their life’s struggles in these stories.
Hello Stephen
Cheers and applause for this AWESOME website. Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesnβt last. Well, neither does bathing β thatβs why we recommend it daily.β
I am grateful to you for such a big collection of motivational stories. From last few days, I come to office, read a story from this site and then happily start my work! Thanks a lot!
Thank you Isha!
I could not contain my feelings about this website. I almost shed tears. You are doing a great job. I really want to share some of your stories on printed papers for our people; not all of them have the opportunity of an internet in their home. I am really greatful for keeping my conscience alive.
Thanks Abah! Please feel free to take away any stories you feel helpful π Take care!!!
Wow! I am happy to find this blog! Good work π
Really a nice website.
Thank you very much for sharing great and inspirational stories.
Thank You for a REALLY great site!!!
Hey there!
Can anyone PLEASE tell me where I can find the storie of a little girl who sat on her balcony watching kids play below until one day one of the kids plucked up the courage to climb the balcony. She became friends with the girl and later learned that the mysterious girl was gravely ill. The girl died in the end, but a happy little girl she was as she had a friend at last. Bitter-sweet.
I REALLY wish that someone out there can help me find this story because 2mths after I read it, I witnessed this story in REAL LIFE, my hairs stood on end as my husband told me to look up, then I saw a little girl peering through the bars of her balcony, watching kids play in the park below. (just like the story I read mths earlier) We passed that way again and to our delight, she was playing with what appeared to be her little brother on the balcony. So at least “our” story had a happier ending. My husband & I were abroad on our 1st year anniversary AND on a spiritual journey and WHAT a spiritual experience we had!!! Please, Please, if anyone can tell me, I would TRULY be grateful.
Awesome website Stephen ..I am sure, this blog would change many people’s mind to think positively and reach their goal..Keep up ur service ..Kudos !!
I love this site and love to share it with my friends. I’m so glad I found this and spend most of my time reading these stories.
Hello – I really enjoy the stories, May I share some of the stories from this blog?
@Nashreen: Yes, please feel free to share the stories in any way you like. Take care!
Your blog had made my day. You may have no idea the impact your blog has on people…
Some would let you know by leaving their comments… Others will be too happy that they will loose their ability to write at that moment… Thanks
I will like to use some of your stories in a blog I am developing. Hope it’s okay by you.
Thank you for your warm comment. Please feel free to use the stories!
Where do we donate ?
Thank you very much, Abdo, I do not take donations. Take care!
I love this web site. So much inspiring and educational. Last few days I was suffering through some disappointments, anxiety and frustrations. I just googled inspiring stories.. and by God’s grace I came across this wonderful web site. It inspired and healed me so much that I feel that I’m back to my track. Thank you very much for creating such a nice web site, and please keep updating more material…God bless you all !!! With much Love…
Am very much inspired thanks Steve and your group.
Hi Stephen, It’s really a great blog. Very much inspiring. Can I use these stories in my blog with your permission?
Hi Bharat,
Yes, please feel free to use the stories here.
I feel great and very much thankful that I found this website. It inspires me to continue with my life after being dumped. Thank you to all the authors for all your wonderful stories that awakened me how worthy I am.
I am not yet healed… but I know soon I can be and I will be healed. Stay blessed everyone.
Am really greatful for this site. It has turned up my destorted life back to normal.
I found everything intresting and very incouraging. Thank you.
Hello, I would like to submit some stories. How do I go about that. Thanks
Hi Ifeanyi! Please use this form to submit your stories: http://academictips.org/blogs/submit/
Thank you very much!
I really love some of these stories and would like to find some printable versions. How do I do that.
Thank you
Great Blog! I really enjoyed reading your stories. Hope you continue with this as you inspired a lot of people.
This site is what I was looking for … Thanks π
Hi! Your site is really good. I have no way to show my gratitude to you. Thank you very much. You have show me how to live properly.
I’ll print some stories for my friends. They’ll love them too. I hope this won’t cause you any trouble. Thank you again π
Who is this guy? Just wanna tell you that you have got the ocean of greatness in you. The sky is your starting point, do you know that? Me love everything on here.
This is one of the best BLOG.. Love it.. Really blessed me.. π
Keep on writing… Keep on posting…
I thank you for the blog. I really loved the read.
Hey I liked everything in this web site.