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Seven steps to dealing with problems

If you follow this guide carefully, the things you might see as difficulties now become enjoyable challenges. Seven steps to dealing with problems: WHAT EXACTLY IS THE PROBLEM? Make sure you know what it is!   WHAT END RESULT DO YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVE? Decide on what “success” means to you.   COLLECT INFORMATION What […] Read more

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Looking back on what you’ve done

Keeping an eye on your own progress can tell you much more than any report made by a teacher. This will help you see where you are having difficulty so that you can deal with it before it gets worse! Try grading yourself (A, B, C, or whatever) on one or more of the following: […] Read more


Working out priorities

Priorities can be divided up into: URGENT – must be done now. IMPORTANT – must be done soon. UNIMPORTANT – must be done eventually. There is, of course, a lot of overlap so you might also list the things you have to do only in order of importance – the top one or two becoming […] Read more


Long term planning and timetabling

“Long-term planning” could mean what you intend to do in a week’s time to what you intend to do with the rest of your life! Many people fail tests or exams because they start their revision too late rather than because they lack ability. The reason for this seems to arise from the many other […] Read more


“Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by those doing it.” Anon. When asked what they saw as the greatest time wasters, other people came up with the following: Watching television Idle waiting time (in queues, at home, etc.) Unnecessarily long telephone calls Travelling time Meetings (clubs, etc.) Unexpected visitors Inability to […] Read more