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College Saving Tips:
Every college student suffers from spending their hard earned money on tuition and textbooks.
Here are some money saving tips.
- Buy used textbooks
- Buy textbooks online
- Sell textbooks from previous semesters
- Make a list before you shop and stick to your budget
- Buy items in bulk
- Always ask for a student discount
- Bring lunches and snacks from home
Credit Card
- Avoid using credit card for day-to-day spending
- Use credit card for emergencies only
- Pay on time
- Avoid using the ATM
- Get music free online
- Stop smoking
- Call your phone company and ask for a better deal from time to time
- Wash car at home
- Use campus facility (weight room,...) instead of paying for fitness center
Since December 1999 - last modified: October 28, 2008