"If I spent as much time doing the things I worry about getting done as I spend worrying about doing them, I wouldn't have time to have anything to worry about."
Beryl Phizer

Those people who find schoolwork easy are those who can organise their work:

     They are able to work on their own;

          they can fit their work to a flexible timetable;

               they are willing to stick to it. 

Wise use of time is the key to success - and not just in terms of schoolwork. Your time must be divided up in many other directions.

For example, how much time do you devote to the following? 

Draw up a table like this, complete it, and see.

Hours per week
Part-time jobs  
Household chores  
Meals (including snacks!)  
Other activities?  

"So what was your total?....."

There are, of course, 168 hours in a week! How is YOUR time divided between

important and unimportant

useful and useless

productive and unproductive


In fact, ALL of the activities listed above should be given time in a well-planned timetable.  Move on to the next page now!

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